Which Type of Carpet Is Easiest To Keep Clean?

Overturned white coffee cup and spilled coffee on beige carpeting

When shopping for a new carpet, a lot of people seem to gloss over the practical considerations of having a new carpet fitted, focusing almost entirely on how the carpet will look. Will it fit in with the rest of the interior décor and show the room off in a good light?! This is a big mistake, as a carpet that looks great, but is hard to clean can be a nightmare to live with, no matter how beautiful it is.

We’re carpet cleaning veterans, having served the Arvada area for 40+ years and have worked on just about every type of carpet that you can imagine in that time, so we’ve experienced first-hand the types of carpet that are easy to clean, and those that seem to hold onto stains as if their life depended on it.

In this article, we're going to share a few tips with regard to what you should look for when shopping for new carpet to make your life easier in the long run.

A Few Things to Keep in Mind When Shopping for Carpet

It’s easy to do little research and then rush into buying whichever carpet that happens to be on offer the day you visit the store. Here are a few things you’d do well to remember:

  • Don’t Decide Based on Price – Carpet is not usually something you want to skimp on, as cheaper carpet often costs you in the long-run by way of a shorter lifespan (and therefore replacement costs), and greater difficulty in cleaning.
  • What Do You Need It to Do? – This is a vital consideration. Where are you going to be installing the carpet and what do you need to do? Does it need to stand up to high traffic? Does it need to do well in an environment that is extremely humid?
  • Understand the Warranty – Warranties on carpets can vary greatly from manufacturer to manufacturer so it’s important to check exactly what is covered before you buy. How long does the warranty cover you for and what’s included?

A Quick Overview of the Main Types of Carpet

Before you hurry off to the store, it’s wise to get yourself acquainted with the different types of carpet that you will be able to choose from. There are two broad categories; synthetic or natural fibers (of which there are many different types).

  • Synthetic Fibers – A lot of the carpeting that is sold nowadays falls into this category. Synthetic fibers are man-made fibers that are produced from various different chemical compounds and are often considerably cheaper than carpets made from natural fibers. Some of the more common synthetic fibers that you’ll see for sale include nylon, polypropylene and polyester (more on those later). Aside from cost, the other big advantages that synthetic carpet fibers boast is that they’re quite a lot more durable than natural fibers (important if you have kids or pets running across them all day) and they’re definitely more resistant to stains, so easier to keep clean. On the downside, they’re not as environmentally friendly though.
  • Natural Fibers – In my experience, some of the most beautiful carpets that I’ve come across in my many years of carpet cleaning have been made of natural fibers. These carpets are produced from natural materials that are grown, harvested and then used to produce the carpet fibers. As they’re produced from natural materials, this type of carpeting is more environmentally friendly. But if we hone in on cleanliness and stain resistance, they’re not as good as synthetic carpets. I can tell you, if you get a nasty stain on a wool carpet, you can throw the kitchen sink at it (not literally) in terms of cleaning products and equipment, and the stain might not budge, which can be extremely frustrating. Take my word for it as a carpet cleaning professional!

The Easiest Carpets to Keep Clean

This is why you’re really here. Now I’m going to talk about the exact types of carpet that (in my experience) are easiest to keep clean in the average home.

Nylon Carpet

You probably won’t be surprised to see that this, along with the other carpets here are all synthetic. Nylon is widely regarded as the most durable type of carpet, resisting daily use well, cleaning well and returning to its original shape afterward. It’s a great choice for a busy family home and should last for many years under regular use.

Polyester Carpet

If nylon is great for resisting wear and tear, Polyester is the king of stain resistance. It’s an oil-based material, and it’s this attribute that allows it to repel accidental spills, mishaps by your pets or kids, and anything else that could stain your carpet that is water-based. Polyester carpets are very easy to keep clean with regular vacuuming.

Polypropylene Carpet

Polypropylene carpets are extremely popular in commercial settings and are extremely versatile in their use. They resist wear extremely well in high traffic areas, don’t hold onto moisture, thus preventing mold and mildew and are extremely easy to clean and keep them looking their best. If only carpet cleaning were this easy with all types of carpet!

Steve’s: Keeping Carpets Clean Since 1980

No matter what type of carpet you opt for, arranging for professional carpet cleaning each year is vital to extending its lifespan and keeping it truly clean – not just on the surface. And that’s what we’ve been doing for property owners all over Boulder, Westminster, Broomfield and Arvada for over 40 years.

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