Carpet Care Articles

Feet in blue slippers standing on beige shag carpeting

Whether you need to replace water damaged carpets depends on a number of factors, including the extent of the water damage, the type of carpeting and how fast you acted after the damage occurred. All of these factors will play a major part in deciding whether carpet repair or replacement is the...


Close-up view of wooden match with lit flame against black background

If you accidentally burn your carpet, is it possible to invisibly mend the affected area so that nobody would ever notice unless they take a magnifying glass out? While we would love to be the bearer of good news and tell you that yes, it is easy to fix carpet burns with just a few household tools...


Five Top Causes of Carpet Damage

Short-haired tabby cat laying on white carpeting in sunlit room

Good quality carpeting represents a significant investment so it’s not surprising that most people are keen to do whatever they can to extend the useful lifespan of the carpets in their home. Whether you have recently had new carpeting installed or you happen to love the carpets you already have,...


Hand holding unplugged black electrical cord near electrical outlet in residential kitchen

For homeowners that live in areas where flooding is a perennial problem, dealing with water damage will not be a new experience. However, if you live in an area that is normally safe but happens to be flooded during particularly bad or freak weather conditions, or due to a burst water pipe, you...


Large office with cubicles, blue desk chairs and dark gray carpeting

Carpeting can make your Bloomfield office a much more hospitable place during the long, brutal winters. Among other things they make for a warmer, more inviting workspace and they help businesses keep their heating bills in check. But carpets and area rugs don’t clean themselves. And since more sl...


Light brown leather lace-up boots on rug beside front door in tiled residential entryway

Winter in Broomfield is the ultimate mixed bag. On the one hand, some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the US is right at your doorstep. On the other hand, it's difficult at best to prevent family, friends and others from tracking wintertime snow, slush, mud and other detritus into the house...